


Média geral 3.0
baseado em 16 votos
Sua avaliação:
85 minutos

Dummy is a coming of age drama about two young brothers whose lives are thrown into turmoil when their mother dies suddenly, leaving them to fend for themselves. While Danny loses himself in music, sex and drugs, his younger brother Jack takes action – transforming, with the help of some make-up and his mother’s old clothes, a life size mannequin into a brand new ‘mummy’ for him to talk to. Jack’s obsession with this new member of the family leads to both comic misunderstandings and bitter antagonism as the pair battle through grief, anger and denial. Finally, the boys intense struggle to survive in an upside-down world leads to a new understanding that gives them both hope for the future.

Estreia Mundial:
25 de Junho de 2008
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